Well, today I officially started my conference. I spent about 6 hours in training for the new upgrade of the software I work with at work, CampusCall. I can safely say that the new software is sweeeetttttt. It's gonna be depressing going back to the old, crappy one at work until we upgrade, hehe.
The group I'm with is lots of fun. There's only 6 of us and the trainer, and I'm the only Canadian. Went for lunch with 3 of them and that was fun. It's really fun talking to the other call centre managers. It's such a different industry, that it's not one where you have a bunch of people to interact with who do the same thing. One guy was a student caller, supervisor, etc, at the University of Kansas and when he graduated, headed to George Mason. That was just in January, so he's a youngun' like me. His call centre sounds horrible, lol! I thought mine was bad...he's in a TRAILER. He's worked there since January and since then, they've moved the entire call centre TWICE...just into subsequent trailers. I feel bad for the guy.
Anyway, finished that around 4:30 and then gave work a call to let them know how AWESOME the new CampusCall is gonna be. Went for supper downstairs. It was ok, but I think I'll go out from now on. Tiny, tiny menu.
After supper I just went for a wander around DC and then came back. I wasn't sure about the weather holding, so I decided not to head to the monuments. Right now I'm planning on heading to the monuments tomorrow night to finish my tour of them. It looks like the weather will hold, so that's a plus.
Anyway, took pics again during my wander of DC, so here they are...with commentary of course!
Some school of art. I dunno, the name of it is in the next picture :P Right by my hotel. Not sure if it's famous or not, thought maybe my artsy friends (Cassandra) might know of it or somethin'.
Name of the art school.
Remember that office building I posted pics of?? I can't remember the name of it, but I posted a picture of the name of it...lol. It's the one right beside the White House. Anyway, I noticed today that it appears to have a tiny, tiny moat with no water in it :) Just some construction equipment.
Sekrit Service dude in the trees on the lawn of the White House...O_O
I don't know why...but I find this disturbing.
I found a 7/11!!! Looks really classy on the outside, but it's one of the grubbiest I've ever seen on the inside. Also, it appears to be on the campus of George Washington University. You can't even tell that you're suddenly on a campus...nothing like the U of S.
I think this is the prettiest picture I've taken so far. It definitely looked pretty in real life.
Explanation of the Octagon. I found it quite interesting, and enjoyed the part about us burning down the White House. Ahhhhh....
Well, that was today!! Like I said, hopefully the rest of the monuments tomorrow night :) Spy Museum is Monday night, I do believe, but don't quote me on that.
So apparently that school you noticed is linked to the Corcoran Museum of Art. So you could always go check out some crazy new art museum if you have time and are interested. Their current exhibitons actullay look quite interesting: http://www.corcoran.org/index.asp
omgz... scary fundamentalist churchies... watch ya self girl
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