Friday, July 20, 2007


Fire alarm went off. So, evacuated the hotel, and by the time I had walked around the front of the hotel, everything appeared to be fine again. So, I don't know what it was all about.

I do know that I took the time to grab my room key and wallet but it didn't even occur to me to grab my passport. Which probably would have been a good idea.


Cassandra said...

well, you are out of the country, something new to think about i suppose. . . speaing of fires! I guess there was a huge one in Saskatoon today early this morning, by Ave P South, some truck stop place, big explosions and everything, scaryness. I am glad that your hotel/ yourself was/ and is okay!

Anonymous said...

Well at least you left the building, not like a lot of idiots that ignore the alarms. They do install them for a reason.
